The Views Women’s Golf Club

General Meeting

March 1, 2022




President – Beckie Harkey


ASA Rep – Eileen Buskirk


Kachina – Susan Olson / Terri Hanson


Vice President – Rob Ranson


Catalina Cup – Darlene Lam / Patti Thompson


Member Guest – Darlene Lamb, Dee Ruelas, Niki White


Treasurer – Pattie Horning


Cure for Cancer – Beckie Harkey / Rob Ranson / Debbie Huffman


Raffle – Susana Moran, Chie Misaki


Handicap – Pat Stark


Email / Listserv Blasts – Rob Ranson


Solheim Cup – Cathy Morrow and Solheim Captains


Tournament Chair – Cathy Morrow


Golf Advisory – Mimi Hutton


Sunshine – Barbara Armes


Rules – Barbara Hall


Handbook – Marty Blakely / Pattie Horning


Golf Genius Admin – Marty Blakely


Secretary – Deborah DeCuir / Kelli Mannon


Historian – Barbara Armes



The meeting was brought to order by President Beckie Harkey at 1:33 p.m.  


The prior minutes from January 4, 2022, were sent out via email to all members.  A correction was made to the rules section.  As follows:


“We are entering our competition time with the Solheim Cup, President’s Cup, and Club Championship.  Be prepared – read the rules!   There is always a “get out of jail free card” if you are not sure of the rule, which is to play two (2) balls and ask the Pro Shop later the rule and adjust your score card accordingly.  Playing two balls is only an option in stroke play, not match play.   It would do everyone some good to practice Match Play on a practice day before their matches too.  The Pro Shop would be more than happy to mark your card.  Promise me you will take some time to google Match Play and read the rules. 


President Beckie asked members if there were any other corrections, to which there were none.  A motion was made to accept the minutes, and passed unanimously. 


Vice President - Rob Ranson

Rob reported we are steady at 70 members.  No other reports.    


Treasurer – Pattie Horning

The most current budget was sent to all members via email prior to the meeting for review.  There were no questions from our members concerning the content. 


Handicap Chair – Pat Stark

If a player does not finish a round during match play, any remaining holes after 12 holes are completed by using net par, not double bogey plus handicap pops (no longer referred to as equitable stroke). 


Pat reviewed the overall handicap changes within our 70 members.  55 members had their index increase by 1.15 points, and 15 had decreased by 1.0 point.  There were concerns with the dry conditions, not overseeding, etc., that members may not be able to control their distance.  The change is not significant, indicating most of our players have adjusted their game to the conditions. 




Darlene Lamb/Dee Ruelas/Nikki White – Member Guest

Let’s Par-Tee!!!!    This is the theme for this year’s Member/Guest being held on Tuesday, March 8.  


The format will be 6-6-6 with games for each 6 holes as 2-person best ball, alternate shot, and scramble.   This game will not utilize Golf Genius due to its complexity, so cards will be printed and utilized for scoring.  Turn in your score card to the Pro Shop at the end of the round for scoring compilation.


If you have an annual membership, then you will be refunded the golf fee of $52.  External players and 9-holes ladies who are guests pay the same fee.  There will be no more than a 10-stroke difference; should there be a wider gap, you will be required to play down to a differential of 10 to the lowest handicap.  If a player does not have an established handicap, they will play to a zero handicap. 


Registration will commence at 7:00 a.m., shotgun start at 8:00 a.m., with all players playing utilizing the yellow/white combo tees.  You may acquire a Magic Putt, which can only be used on the green.  The cost is $5.00 per person, and only two per team may be purchased. 


There will also be a money tree and various other awards.  There will not be raffle tickets sold for this, as anyone playing in the tournament will have their name placed into the raffle for the drawings. 


Election of New Officers – Beckie Harkey

The Bylaws require us to post the nominations in Golf Genius two weeks prior to our March meeting.  The nominations were posted in Golf Genius two days late.  However, the e-mail that was distributed with the information, was sent to all members two days early.  We need to vote on whether the timing was acceptable with the use of the e-mail system versus Golf Genius.   A motion was made to accept the information for the nominees as an acceptable time frame with the e-mail notice by MaryAnn Diridon, and all voted to accept this motion.  Those nominated are:

President:                           Rob Ranson

Vice President:                 Pattie Horning

Treasurer:                           Terri Hansen

Co-Secretaries:                 Kelli Mannon/Susan Olson


A motion was made to accept the nominees as noted above, and the vote was unanimous.  Welcome new TVWGC Board members for the upcoming year.


Tournament Chair – Cathy Morrow

Susie LaFontaine was awarded the February monthly medal for the low net of 64. 


President’s Cup is being wound down.  It has certainly much easier this year with the field of 32.  Susan Austin and Judy Oliver played today, and Susan won this match.  The next match play is Susan Olson vs H Garren, and the winner will then compete against Susan Austin for the President’s Cup.


Club Championship rounds are being held on Tuesday - March 15, Friday – March 18, and Tuesday ‑ March 22.  If you are playing, please sign up for all three.  All rounds will be played from the white tee boxes, regardless of what you normally play.  Contact the Pro Shop to change your profile in Golf Genius to the white tees for this competition.   There will be three flights, by handicaps, from the normal tees. 


Play for the first day will be those with the lowest handicap going out first.   On the second day it will be those players with the low gross going out first, and on the third day it will be the cumulative low gross going out first.  If there is tie-breaker, it will begin on hole No. 1.   


IF you are not able to play on all three days, let the Pro Shop know individually.  They are currently holding some spots open for those who cannot play all three days, but still want to play golf on these days.    


Rules – Barbara Hall

Barbara reflected there are four very important rules to remember:

  1. You may ground your club anywhere except in a bunker. 
  2. Do not pick up anyone’s ball without asking for permission.  This may result in the loss of a hole in match play, or a 2-stroke penalty in stroke play.
  3. Before turning in your score card, make sure it is correct!  If you have a rules question, discuss it with the Committee or Pro Shop before signing the card.
  4. Should your ball land on the cart path on hole No. 5, you do not do not get relief, as this cart path is in a penalty area. 


There is still match play going on and if you cannot agree on the rules in match play, say “making a claim”, and take the issue to the Pro Shop for resolution.  You cannot play two balls ever, ever, ever in match play.   


Provisional Ball (Rule 18)

Barbara explained the Provisional Ball rule in general, and specifically on hole 9, using a diagram as a visual aid for clarity.   Barbara will be sending out an e-blast for this rule again, and also to address the question regarding abandoning a lost ball.   


AGA Representative – Eileen Buskirk

No report.


Catalina Cup – Darlene Lamb and Patti Thompson

Patti said we had a bye for El Conquistador.  We are now in the group that has played six rounds, and are in second place.   Our next play will be on Friday, March 4.  


Cure for Cancer – Becky Harkey, Rob Ranson, Debbie Huffman

Debbie Huffman reported that after today we have about $2,000 in raffle tickets sold between merchandise and the 50/50 raffle.  We have had a good response from all of the leagues.  We will be selling tickets again to the 9-holers, at Yappy Hour, and Happy Hours! 


We ask that if you are donating to please get in touch with myself or Peggy Bushong Monday or Tuesday.   Also, if any of you have companies or individuals who have agreed to be a hole sponsor, please get them to me soonest, so we are able to complete the signage.  We currently have collected around $4,500 this year, which is outstanding.  There are still some openings for players – so get them on board for the fun on March 13!


Golf Advisory – Mimi Hutton

Mimi said there is a meeting tomorrow, March 2, 2002 at 2:00 p.m. in the Welcome Center, and she will be attending.  Mimi asked if there were any concerns which may need to be addressed?


  • Tee boxes 11, 12 and 16 rank the highest of being the poorest quality.  In fact, it was mentioned that perhaps we should abandon 12 so it can be reseeded and repaired properly.   Overseed is needed on all three holes.   It was suggested, as it is a known practice at other courses, that a hand mower be used on these holes, rather than the big machine which tends to scalp the grass and tee boxes down to the soil. 
  • Directional signs for the golf carts have been removed – wondering why.


Handbook – Marty Blakely

No report. 


Historian – Peg Bushong

No report.


Kachina – Susan Olson / Terri Hansen

Kachina was held at the 49ers Club on February 21, with only four people attending.  It was very cold, and we did not fare well.  The next event will be March 7 at Saddlebrooke, and 10 people have signed up.  We will be playing April 18 at The Highlands and May 16 at Oro Valley Country Club.  Stay tuned for details on these.  It was noted that April 18 is TVWGC play day and our awards and luncheon. 


Dee Ruelas and Nikki White will be the new Kachina Representatives for next year. 


Sunshine – Barbara Armes

No cards have sent out.


Golf Genius – Marty Blakely

No report.


Chip-Ins – Nancy Klucking

Nancy handed out the funds for the chips from February!  Congratulations!




General Meeting Start Times:  The question was raised that since we are now starting our tee times earlier, if we could hold our monthly general meeting earlier also.   We are all done by noon, or shortly thereafter, and yet the meeting did not commence until 1:30 p.m.   Beckie explained it is based on room availability, and this is the only room which can accommodate us with a kitchen area, and they do not allow us to be in here before noon.


SCOV Finance Committee:  Barb Grunkemeyer explained that her and Peggy Bushong are on the Financial Committee, and will be attending the meeting on March 14, regarding some of the items at hand, but two items in particular are: 


  1. The survey that we got from the Pro Shop needs to be completed.  It is known that many want to address the lack of overseeding. 


  1. Budget – They want to again offer the Anniversary Memberships.  As you may recall, it was $300 up front, which includes the cart, balls and tee times being able to reserved three days in advance, after Noon. 


The course is looking at renewing the Anniversary Membership program for another year and will increase the fee an additional $100 to $200 for an Anniversary Membership, with a tee time costing $30.  Their plan is also to increase all other membership fees as well.  We all need to respond to the survey, as this is not equitable for people who live here, and the external program is clogging up the course availability.   2000 people joined this program three (3) years ago.   We feel it necessary to limit this program to residents of the SCOV community. 


People may submit more than one survey, and we urge you to speak to your spouses about this issue to avoid a large number people who do not live here to use and abuse our course for little funds, and get your surveys completed.  On the survey there is an area where you may add your comments, so please include this topic in your response.   It is necessary to have this addressed now, as the March 14 meeting is upon us, and the budget gets approved at the April Board meeting.


A motion was made by Cathy Morrow that the TVWGC write a formal letter to the Financial Budget Committee to not allow the reinstatement of the Anniversary Membership for the upcoming year.  This is based on an inequity of non-SCOV residents who do not supplement the course, yet override the resident members, those who pay full membership fees, and still do not have access to the course more frequently.    


Discussion on the motion followed, which reflected this is not the only area which needs to be addressed for being inequitable.  Many of our TWVGC members noted the golf program also discriminates against single membership vs couple memberships.  Some members have “coupled” together to get a break on their annual rate, when in fact they do not actually live in the same household, but who is checking?   All system needs to be looked at in depth for equality.   Those who pay the annual membership have a large price to support, while the Anniversary Membership is so low, yet they have the opportunity to play at a rate of $30 per game.  Why not develop a Snow Bird rate for those who currently have to pay for an annual pass, but are here six months or less. 


Further, it was noted that originally the Anniversary Membership was only going to be sold to 1,200 people.  However, now it is known the Anniversary Memberships sold was actually for 2,000 people.  The transparency for this type of development was not transparent.   If a letter is sent, it is important that transparency is essential to determine what costs would be passed onto our annual pass holders. 


Beckie asked that we determine as a priority of the two most important things you want to see in this letter.   There were three items felt very important to TVWGC: 

  1. Anniversary Membership
  2. Single vs Couple pricing
  3. Seasons person playing only part of the year pricing


It was voiced that we will receive a push back on our letter, as the golf course runs seven days per week, whether you are here or not, so as a group we should focus on one thing at a time to not dilute the primary issue. 


A revised motion was made by Cathy Morrow that a letter be sent by the TVWGC Board on behalf of our 70 members to the Financial Budget Committee, Mark Wade, and Rick Price to express our opinion to not have an Anniversary Membership for this coming year, as it is inequitable for the golf clubs and SCOV residents who support the course.   The motion was seconded by Marty Blakely, and voted by our members unanimously. 


Raffle – Susanna Moran

We gathered $205 for our 50/50 split, and distributed $100.   


The meeting was adjourned by Beckie Harkey at 3:02 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Kelli Mannon / Deborah DeCuir, Co-Secretaries