The Views Women’s Golf Club

General Meeting

January 4, 2022




President – Beckie Harkey


ASA Rep – Eileen Buskirk


Historian – Peg Bushing


Vice President – Rob Ranson


Birdies / Ringers – Debbie Allen / Rob Ranson


Kachina – Susan Olson / Terri Hanson


Treasurer – Pattie Horning


Catalina Cup – Darlene Lam / Patti Thompson


Member Guest – Darlene Lamb, Dee Ruelas, Niki White


Handicap – Pat Stark


Cure for Cancer – Beckie Harkey / Rob Ranson


Raffle – Susanna Moran


Tournament Chair – Cathy Morrow


Email / Listserv Blasts – Rob Ranson


Solheim Cup – Cathy Morrow and Solheim Captains


Rules – Barbara Hall


Golf Advisory – Mimi Hutton


Sunshine – Barbara Armes


Secretary – Deborah DeCuir / Kelli Mannon


Handbook – Marty Blakely / Pattie Horning


Golf Genius Admin – Marty Blakely


The meeting was brought to order by Beckie Harkey at 2:33 p.m.  


President Beckie opened apologizing for the late start, but the frost delays frequently occur during the winter months, and we had individual tee times so everyone could start on the first hole.  Thankfully the weather cooperated for the remainder of the day.    


Beckie also mentioned that we are trying to take care of our people in the golfing group regarding the Covid situation.  All clubs are experiencing the same issues with the Covid variants and the protocols.   If you do not feel comfortable being inside for a luncheon, that is okay.  If you do decide to join us, masks are always an option.  Thank you for your understanding as we all work through these issues.


The prior minutes from December 7, 2021, were sent out via email to all members.  President Beckie asked members if there were any corrections, to which Marty Blakely noted the rules section was not quite correct.   With further review, it was discovered the rule noted was for the procedure for “out of bounds”, when actually it should read “unplayable lie”. 


A motion was made to accept the minutes with this correction by Barb Grunkenmeyer and seconded by Marty Blakely. 


Vice President - Rob Ranson

Rob was not at our meeting from the golf course just yet, so Pattie Horning introduced Debbie Kowalski as our new member.   Pattie and Debbie worked together in Michigan for Ford Motor Company for 30 years, and continue to be the best of friends.  Today was Debbie’s first day in our 18-hole league.


Treasurer – Pattie Horning

The most current budget was sent to all members via email prior to the meeting for review.  There were no questions from our members concerning the content. 




Handicap Chair – Pat Stark

Some individuals were wondering when are the scores posted from our Tuesday golf day.  They are posted on Tuesday, but they are not visible on your account until Wednesday.  That is just the way the Golf Genius system works.


Another issue that arose concerning the proper score to use for the maximum allowable under the new rules, whether here or at other courses.  Pat said golfers should use the GHIN App for this purpose, by posting your hole-by-hole score, rather than the total score.  The GHIN App will auto correct the score to reflect the proper maximum.  GHIN also uses all that data collected when calculating the handicap holes. 


Tournament Chair – Cathy Morrow

Cathy thanked everyone for the great turnout for the President’s Cup qualifier, and/or playing golf today.  Cathy reminded all players that if you want this score and the next qualifier score from January 18, 2022, to be used for the President’s Club, kindly let the Pro Shop know of your intent to ensure this happens – please do not assume they know your thoughts.    


Becky wanted to go over a recent event that occurred.  One day a few of our players thought there was a mix up at the tee box.   Apparently, it was reported that someone thought the tee markers were in the wrong place, so the tee markers were moved.  The tee boxes are set up by the grounds crew in advance of play.  The tee boxes are considered “sacred ground” and the tee markers are not ever to be moved.  Leave them alone – do not ever move them - do not polish them – do not kick them around – do nothing to them!  If it is reported the tee markers have been changed, it is an infraction that results in your disqualification for the round of golf. 


Rules – Barbara Hall

Barbara noted that being a tournament chair is an honor, and also comes with issues.  If someone comes to me and they are saying someone did something incorrectly, I have to take that to heart and protect the rest of the field for the issue or rule.  If you see an infraction, please do not let it slide.  It is protecting the rest of the field by bringing forward the issue at the time to the person, or brining it forth to the rules committee.  Appreciate your understanding during these times, playing by the rules, and for your patience with me.


Barb Grunkenmeyer noted that she did play with Barb today, and while she did understand a couple of rules that Barb explained during the course of the day to another player, Barb feels she has a better understanding of the rules herself, as Barbara explained them quite calmly and in a simple format.  


Barbara explained that a brief note was sent out last night to clarify the standing water rule in a bunker.  If you do land in the water in a bunker, you may pick up your ball and then move it to the closest point of relief – in the bunker, NOT outside of the bunker.    


Hole No. 11 is an area where free relief applies.   To the left side of Hole No. 11 from the tee box, there are large rocks for the drainage system as you cross the cart path.   Should your ball land in this area with the big rocks, it is an area where you are granted free relief.    


The nearest point of complete relief, as always, should be identified first, and a ball must be dropped and come to rest in the measured relief area.  Once the ball has been dropped, it may be in or near a bush, but that is where it lies – but that is tough.  A free drop does not guarantee you will be able to move it to a “pretty” spot on the course.   Be cautious of where you are dropping your ball to avoid this dilemma. 


You may now hit the ball where it lies after taking the drop without penalty.   If you determine that is now not playable following your drop, then follow the USGA Rule No. 19 for a one-stroke penalty.     


  Sue DeVaney asked how the rules apply in the following situation: 

The ball lands in the bunker.  The golfer does get the ball out of the bunker, but the ball landed on top of the water sprinkler cover/hole.  The ball was then moved to the closest point of relief, no closer to the flag stick, which was between the cover and the bunker.  As the ball was dropped from the knee, the ball rolled back into the bunker!   Is the golfer required to then hit it out of the bunker again?


Barbara explained the golfer should drop the ball, and if it rolls into the bunker, do the drop again within the relief area.  It the ball goes into the bunker a second time, then bring the ball out of the bunker and place it onto the relief area between the sprinkler area and bunker.  The ball does not have to be dropped in the bunker in this situation, as this is not part of the relief area. 


AGA Representative – Eileen Buskirk

No report.


Catalina Cup – Darlene Lamb and Patti Thompson

The format is match play each week, and is a two-person best ball, and we send 6 people to play.  To qualify for the Catalina Cup play, you must have a handicap of 26 or less.  If your handicap is over 26, you will play to a 26.  January 10, 2022 is our next match at the Gallery.  We are really doing well.  We are at the top of the middle of the pack. 


Cure for Cancer – Becky Harkey, Rob Ranson, Debbie Huffman

The 18-hole ladies league will be responsible for the raffle, and everyone is responsible for raising money – so be please ask for donations from Chiropractors, Massage places, hairdressers, and other businesses you use frequently, so we are able to gather lot of items to raffle off.


Golf Advisory – Mimi Hutton

The Golf Advisory Board meets tomorrow, Wednesday, January 5, and asked if there are items you would like to see addressed? 


Barb Grunkenmeyer noted the middle bunker at the back of hole 9 is all washed out in the middle from our heavy rains.  Is this to be repaired soon?     


Mary Ann Diridon asked if perhaps they could review the 16th hole white tee box.  There is a chollas cactus directly in front of the tee box, which over time has now grown so that it is directly in front of the tee box and growing well.  It not quite tall enough to deflect but the ball, but certainly interrupts the line of site.  Could this be trimmed, or removed? 


Cathy Morrow asked if they could make an exception to overseeding this year, and repair and overseed the ladies 12th tee box - - - it has been needed for some years, and is now mostly soil exposed.   


Handbook – Marty Blakely

No report. 


Historian – Peg Bushong

No report.




Kachina – Susan Olson / Terri Hansen

Susan noted the Kachina event was a truly successful event with 96 participants.  We had originally over 100 players, but six people canceled from other locations, and we drafted a couple of The Views  team members as quick replacements.


Debbie Huffman coordinated the “bag boys”, and it was so appreciated by ALL the ladies as the extra courtesy touch.  Our box lunch meals were fabulous, and Marty Blakely nailed down the location perfectly.  We had five teams with our ladies who were in the money for the event:

Second:        Patti Thompson and Patty Horning following a card-off for a tie for first 

Fifth:             Carla DenBoer and Kelli Mannon

Sixth:             Judy Oliver and Vickie Snook

Seventh:      Mary Ann Diridon and Kathy Steel

Eighth:          Eileen Buskirk and Rob Ranson


Many participants enjoyed the great shape of our greens, tasty and plentiful lunch, and how the coordination was done so well.


Our thanks go to Susan Olson and Terri Hansen for a terrific tournament at our home course.  


Darlene Lamb/Dee Ruelas/Nikki White

No report.


Sunshine – Barbara Armes

A card was sent to Rita Quinn who fell and broke her hip.  She is doing quite well, but it will be a little bit before we see her on the course.  The birthday list for January was quite lengthy, and we all delivered our best rendition for the Birthday song to them all. 


Golf Genius – Marty Blakely

No report


Raffle – Susanna Moran/Peggy Bushong

We gathered $145 for our 50/50 split, and awarded $22 to three people.   


The meeting was adjourned by Beckie Harkey at 3:07 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Deborah DeCuir/Kelli Mannon, Co-Secretaries