The Views Women’s Golf Club

General Meeting

Tuesday, November 1, 2022



Rob Ranson

AGA Representative

Mimi Hutton



Dee Ruelas
Nicky White



Pattie Horning


Catalina Cup

Darlene Lamb
Tana Wyrick



Lesley Chace
Cathy Morrow




Kelli Mannon
Susan Olson


Cure for Cancer

Rob Ranson
Pattie Horning
Tana Wyrick


Chip Ins

Nancy Klucking


Treasurer/Hole in One

Teri Hansen


Golf Advisory

Eileen Buskirk


Solheim Cup

Peg Bushong
Betty Bittle


Handicap Chair

Pat Stark


Golf Genius/Handbook

Pattie Horning


Social Chair

Yvette Schulz


Tournament Chair

Barbara Hall



Barbara Armes



Patti Thompson
Cheryl Reddy



Marty Blakely




President Rob Ranson opened the meeting at 12:50 p.m. and welcomed Todd Crain and Katelyn Hutchison to our meeting. 


Todd thanked all our members for doing a great job registering for the 2022-23 season, and in doing this so well has helped the Pro Shop on the back side of things.  Todd noted that he and Katelyn have been working in tandem to meet our concerns and needs.  Further, he noted the golf course is in the best condition ever for being a great season.  The Golf Pro Shop personnel feel that we have turned the page from the last season. 


We are now using a new reservations program called Club Profit.  This program is new to us, but we are working diligently to made adjustments to smooth it out for simplicity to users.  Currently the credit card processing on the new system is not working properly, but we ask that you bring your card to us to make the corrections by re-entering your payment method. 


One item on the tee reservations is the “midday” tee times do not come up when reviewing the times, and then it disappears once a reservation has been made.  We want to move forward in the system, rather than going back to our other program, and we are in constant contact with Club Profit personnel to make adjustments, and then reloading the corrections and buffer connections.   


Katelyn noted that having another person in the Pro Shop to answer your questions is beneficial for both sides.  She has been working side-by-side with Todd on many golfing issues, and both gleaning ideas and resolutions from each other.  However, please note that we often have many messages when we come into the Pro Shop in the morning.   We both leave the Pro Shop at 2:00 p.m. for teaching times, and our phones are off during this time.   Should you have questions after 2:00 p.m., please contact Pattie Horning, and she may be able to answer your questions, and if not, will speak with us daily about issues. 


Rob explained the minutes had been sent prior for the April 5 meeting for our review.  A motion was made by Cathy Morrow to accept the minutes and passed unanimously.


Rob Ranson introduced the Board Members as noted above, so new and prior members alike were aware of the personnel in these positions.


Membership:  Pattie Horning

We currently have 66 members, with five new members since this summer.  They are Hedy Howard, JoAnn Black, Lorie Friedt, Ann Priestman, and Cheryl Pennington.  Please welcome them, and help them navigate through our course and events.   


Pattie noted she spent time this summer loading many documents into Golf Genius for our use.  They include the meeting minutes, schedule of events, list for ALL events and games.  Also, very vital to your use is the Member Directory.   Please review your information for accuracy, and your photograph in the system.  If you truly do not like the photo, please let Pattie or Peggy Bushong know, as it may be changed. 


Please be at the golf course on Tuesdays 30 minutes before tee time.   The tee times adjust during the course of the year due to light conditions, so it is imperative you review the upcoming Calendar in Golf Genius for changes.  Further, if you do not know who a person(s) is in your foursome, take the extra minute to look them up in our directory for visual recognition once you get to the course. 


Check in at the Pro Shop on Tuesdays when you arrive!  Also, park where the tee markers are located around the putting green to aid in the exit to your holes once Todd or Katelyn finish their announcements and release us to move to our designated hole. 


Pattie also reminded everyone that within The Views App, which is free to anyone, has a great GPS assistant with hole designations and distances involved from tee to green. 


Handicap:  Pat Stark       No Report


Tournaments:  Barbara Hall

All games have been established, and are in Golf Genius.  


Change is just a part of life, and a proposal was made to the Board for changing tee selections.   We do ask that you not change your tee box once you have considered your choice.  It makes it difficult to administer, and should not be done on just a whim because your friends are not on the same tee box when you play with them.  If you find it necessary to change tee boxes in the middle of the competition period for the year, there is an opportunity to do so.  Otherwise, we ask there be no changes.  If you decide to change your tee boxes from all whites to the combo, or another election, please let Pat Stark know and Todd Crain so the system will reflect your decision. 


Todd mentioned that he does not want to police the tee changes, rather you be the decision maker on this. 


Currently, two-thirds of our members have opted for the yellow-white combo. 


Keep in mind that if you want to win the gross stroke Club Championship, you will need to play from the white tees, as that is our default tee position for this event.   To win the net, you may use your established tee election, and there are different opportunities for placing in the event. 


The Board is considering the President’s Cup Tournament participants only play from the white-yellow combo tees.  To assist you, there are two match play games prior to the President’s Cup qualifying round, so this will give you time to feel comfortable with the change.  While someone may have a stroke or more from a different tee selection, the adjustment to your game will be gained in the difference in yardage.   This proposition is going to be voted upon at the January meeting.  This will allow you time to experiment with this change, as well as other days you may want to play from this position during the remainder of the week(s). 


The State Medallion competition is also gross stroke play, and you must use the white tees for this event, which is the third Tuesday of each month.  Net strokes may come from any tee.   


Think about these items, and we will discuss them at a later date. 


There is only one day to qualify for the President’s Club, which is January 10 3.  You will be grouped by index and tee times.  Ideally, 64 players would give us a full field for the brackets and we would not have to qualify for this event, or a minimum of 55 players.  However, if there are only 40 players, then we have to reduce our brackets down to 32 players.  Review your calendars to make sure you are not on vacation, or out of town for this qualifier event.  Again, we will have two match play games prior to the qualifier.


Rules:  Marty Blakely

Marty thanked the Pro Shop for marking some of the problem areas on the course.  Every Tuesday we will discuss some of these areas prior to heading to our designated tees.  If not marked, play the ball where it lies.   


Question concerning embedded balls because the approaches are so boggy.  With these issues, may we lift, clean and place?  The answer is “no”.  Under the rules of golf for stroke play, you must play the ball where it lies, unless the area is marked as ground under repair.  If it is not marked, and plugs, play 2 balls and allow the Committee of Todd and Marty Blakely (the Rules Coordinator) to determine the appropriate action.   


At one time, we could not lift, clean and place unless it was announced prior to play.   This will be addressed every Tuesday should there be a need.  Otherwise, play the ball where it lies. 


Treasurer Report:  Teri Hansen

Terri noted the budget sent to everyone as a draft was based on 70 golfers, but we currently have only 66.  Eighty percent of the players joined the Chip-Ins, and everything else remains the same, except the Sunshine Club which went from $30 to $50 for the year. 


Cathy Morrow moved to accept the proposed budget, and was unanimously approved. 


Terri reported the Hole-In-Ones from the last season were:

                                  Linda Waugaman                         November 19, 2021         Hole 7

                                  Barbara Grunkemeyer               December 13, 2021          Hole 17

                                  Carol Rogge                                    March 25, 2022                 Hole 17


AGA Representative:  Mimi Hutton   No Report


Catalina Cup:  Darlene Lamb, Tana Wyrick

Catalina team consists of three 2-person teams who represent the Views in competition with other local clubs. We enjoy and have the opportunity play on local courses.  Our maximum handicap for this is 26.0, and team captains make the player selection based on index.  


Our first match for Catalina is November 7 at Arizona National.  On December 5 the Views will be hosting this event.  We are asking for volunteers, and husbands or other gentlemen to assist us with marshaling, loading golf bags from our visitors, scoring, register/greeting guests, etc.  We need the volunteers at the course by 7:00 a.m. on Monday, as the event begins at 8:00 a.m. 


If you are able to help us on day to host, please contact via email Darlene Lamb ( or Tana Wyrick (  We realize this is also the same day as the Kachina event at Arizona National.


After December, there will be two Catalina competitions per month.



Cure for Cancer:   Rob Ranson

The 18-Hole Ladies League is the liaison/host for this event, being responsible this year for our people to have a smooth event, advertise, gather donations, etc.   The event is Sunday, March 12, and more discussion will be held at our next general meeting. 


Golf Advisory:  Eileen Buskirk

Eileen explained the Golf Advisory Committee is the liaison between the leagues, Operations, Greens Superintendent, Golf Superintendent, Board, and Manager Mark Wade.  This is the place for resident and non-resident golfers to express their needs, concerns and desires. 


An example is the green reconstruction.  Since the reconstruction of the greens which was badly needed, this year we have bogginess around the greens.  This has resulted from when the greens were reconstructed a material was not integrated with the new greens to enhance the absorption of water so it would not run off and onto the approaches to the greens.   While this was not done at the onset of the reconstruction, it has been identified, and an agent is now being placed around the greens to try to fix this.  It is an ongoing process and will not happen overnight. 


This is the type of thing the Golf Advisory will address with Operations, Board, etc.  If there is anything about the golf that impacts you as a resident or golfer, contact the Golf Advisory at, or a league representative.   Each league has a member on this committee.  This email goes directly to Golf Advisory Committee, Mike Fisher and Rick Price, which streamlines the process about the issues, and does not tie up Mike’s time all day long, so he may be on the course addressing the issues.


Debbie Huffman inquired about the blue gates on hole No. 2.   As we exit the blue gate near the hole, and there is a string of blue stakes there, may we re-enter the fairway after we exit, or do we stay on the cart path?  Eileen explained there are some areas which get “beaten up” so badly, that Mike is trying to keep some areas from being packed down so much.   Do not enter the fairway in this area, but stay on the cart path and walk to your ball. 


Debbie asked if perhaps on hole No. 3 if a walking path could be made to avoid packing down golfers exiting the green all over the place.   Eileen will bring this forward to Golf Advisory as a great suggestion. 


Eileen further noted that players should drive in the fairway and stay off the dormant rough.  The course is overseeded with rye grass, which is more resilient in the fairway than the Bermuda which is in the rough.  Bermuda will die if it is trampled and driven upon often.  When players do leave the fairway, please exit at a 90-degree angle.     


Historian/Sunshine:  Barbara Armes

Barbara named off all the birthdays for November.   Darlene Lamb and company, ask that everyone come in after the November 22 competition to enjoy a treat for the November birthdays!


Kachina:  Dee Ruleas/Nicky White

On November 14 we have four people going from the Views to El Conquistador.  


Our next event will be on December at Arizona National at cost of $80.00.  The costs have gone up this year, and in discussing this with the committee, it has rose across the board.  If a course will be above $80, you may opt out of the lunch fee.  Currently the fees are: $80 for Arizona National, unknown for Quarry Pines, and $66 for Randolph with no cart. 


We are allotted 11 people, and these numbers will be readjusted if we will not be sending more people.  Further, the true ABCD format will be returning this year. 



Member/Guest: Cathy Morrow

 If you are need of a partner for the member/guest, please let me know.


Chip-Ins:  Nancy Klucking

Chip-ins are payable for every league day we play, even scrambles!  There are 58 players who signed up for Chip-ins.


A reminder that you need to let me know the day of your Chip-In via email:  The funds will be placed in an envelope with your name on it, and will be located in the Pro Shop the following day.  It is up to you to get the envelope.  This avoids tracking people down, and to not have so much cash in my possession. 


Solheim Cup:  Peg Bushong, Betty Bittle       No Report


Social:  Yvette Schulz     No Report


New Business:

Deb Huffman explained she is looking for a few people to adopt two of the par 3 holes to place sand in the divots.   We would be doing this on late Wednesday afternoon, and may need to repeat on Sunday afternoons to keep on top of the repairs needed. 

Please contact Debbie at to help us be part of the solution. 


Raffle:  Patti Thompson, Cheryl Reddy

We had seven winners for our raffle tickets at $20 each.



A huge thank you to Peggy Bushong, Louann Convey, Debbie Huffman and Rod Huffman, Kurt Klucking and Nancy Klucking for setting up our area for the luncheon and meeting this afternoon!

Meeting adjourned at 1:54 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,




Kelli Mannon, Co-Secretary

Susan Olson, Co-Secretary